Brad Thomas is an English author of Horror, Thriller books and short stories. He is also writing his grandmother’s life story. From a young age, all he wanted to do was become an author. Growing up in Tipton, West Midlands, England, he never thought it would be possible, but he never stopped chasing his dream.

You can find out more about Brad’s books and work on his social media: Facebook / Instagram



Brad Thomas

As the moonlight shone down casting shadows across the land, Dexter drove his car north bound on Reddit Road in Kenora, Ontario. His blood was boiling from what he’d just witnessed, he couldn’t believe it.

How could she do this to me? He asked himself. He came home early from work to surprise Beth, what a surprise it was as he found her in bed with her boss, Harry. Her boss that was thirty years her senior.

“I CAN’T FUCKING BELIEVE THIS, AAARRRGGGHHH.” Dexter screamed as his car picked up speed, pedal to the metal as you’d call it.

He was driving so fast now; the trees were flying by.

“OH FUCK.” Dexter shouted as something came out the treeline, entering the road in front of the him.


His car whacked straight into whatever it was.

“OH SHIT, OH SHIT… I’ve hit something, or someone.”

Dexter slammed his foot on the break coming to a screeching halt as his tyres left skid marks along the road. He exited the vehicle then began walking towards where the accident happened.

What is that? Dexter thought as he got closer. Oh shit, I must have hit a deer.

As Dexter reached where the collision happened, there on the road lay what looked like a Deer’s antler. A sound came from the bushes to the side of the road, like a bone chilling scream. Dexter turned to face the direction where the scream came from and ran towards it, he hated the fact that he could have injured or killed an animal. He began walking towards the bushes as his fears were confirmed. Along the road was a trail of blood, quite a lot of blood.

Oh fuck… oh fuck.

Dexter entered the dense treeline slowly as not to spook any wildlife. He reached a small opening and saw something laying on the floor, he crept closer. Dexter turned the torch on his cell phone on, so he could investigate the damage he’d done; it was worse than he thought. There, on the floor in a pool of blood… lay a man.

“OH MY GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?” Dexter bellowed as his body filled with guilt and panic. He punched 9-1-1 into his cell… no signal. He didn’t know what to do.

There’s no way I hit a guy; it was much bigger… where the fuck did the antler come from?

“WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?” A voice shouted from in the trees as a flashlight shone in Dexter’s face.

“I’M SORRY, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT.” Dexter cried out.

“Why are you sorry? I’m just kidding, you’ve done me a favour.” Replied the old man that finally came into Dexter’s view.

“What? What do you mean?” Dexter asked as a confused expression came on his face.

“Well… I’ve been hunting it for some time now. You stunned it, I shot it. Didn’t you hear that scream? It summoned the rest of them. We need to go… NOW!”

“What do you mean…it? I’m confused as hell right now.” Dexter asked.

“Follow me, I’ll explain back at the cabin. The name’s Drew.”

“D… Dexter. My names Dexter.”

“Come on, let’s go… Follow me.” Drew ordered as he turned and walked away.

Dexter hurried to catch up to Drew, he walked quite fast… more like a power walk. They continued through the trees until they came to a small log cabin in total darkness. Drew opened the door and signalled Dexter to go inside. When they were both inside, he locked the door and placed a beam of wood across it.

“PLEASE TELL ME WHAT’S GOING ON? YOU SHOT A MAN.” Dexter begged as he sat down near an old fireplace.

“Shush… keep the noise down you prick. It wasn’t human when I shot it, it transformed back to its original state… Right after I shot him with a silver bullet.” Drew explained as he sat down next to Dexter.

“Yeah right, I’m sorry Drew but I don’t believe in Werewolves.” Dexter replied looking more confused than before.

“Well, you’re a fool then, Dexter. Werewolves are real, just not around these parts. Anyways, I haven’t even mentioned a Werewolf.”

“Erm… Silver bullet?” Dexter said as he held his hands out. “If it’s not a Werewolf, then what is it?”


“A What-di-go? Dexter asked all confused.

“It was a Wendigo. They’re like eight feet tall, thin, gangly things. Their arms are as long as their bodies with sharp claws at the end. One scratch and you’re one of them, that’s if it doesn’t kill you. That scream you heard; it summoned the other Wendigo’s. They’re probably in the area right now.”

“Do these Wendigo’s have antlers? I found in the road after I hit something.” Dexter asked.

“Some do, some don’t. Drew replied, then turned his head towards the cabin door as he heard a scratching sound. “Oh shit, they’re here.”

The two of them must had made too much noise, bone chilling screams were heard as moonlight shone through the windows of the cabin revealing shadows on the walls… the shadows had antlers. Dexter and Drew began to back away from the cabin door, but Dexter felt something on his neck, it was warm, it smelt vile, he turned round slowly to see a Wendigo looking down at him. Dexter screamed as it pounced at him and Drew taking them both down.


The next morning, Dexter awoke with a scream.

Oh fuck, it was just a dream. He thought until he looked round seeing that the whole cabin was trashed and there lay Drew to the side of him, dead. Dexter stood up, shocked that he was still alive. His neck felt sore, so he looked into a small mirror that sat on Drew’s fireplace, revealing a long gash down his neck. You’d think he’d be sad, but he smiled into the mirror.

Looks like I’ll have to pay Beth and her lover a little visit tonight.