Brandy is the mother of four, stepmom of two, homemaker, college student, and lover of the mysterious. She grew up with a single mom who was in the military and spent the most imaginative summers with her father and bonus mom, both of whom were kindergarten teachers. Most of her youth was spent enveloped in books, a passion that has recently rekindled itself, along with the joys of writing.

You can find her here on Facebook at



Brandy Cornett

When you think of death, the Grim Reaper, do you imagine me skulking through the darkness, my robes and scythe in hand, terrifying anyone that is unfortunate enough to meet my gaze? That’s the typical scenario mortals play in their heads when my name is spoken. They don’t see me there holding the hands of those fading into the realm of possibility, a guide to calm the traveler. A bringer of peace. Fear holds them back from wanting anything but what they’ve always known.

I guess the same goes for the immortal. They’re worse in a sense, believing I will never visit their hearth. What they are too ignorant to understand is everything passes from one existence into another. Nothing lives forever, nothing truly dies either, but everything, everything changes.

Take for instance this guy. Once flesh and blood, now bones and fur. He could have easily become stone and thirst, or some kind of water creature washing away with the current. Nonetheless, he has changed. For centuries now he has embraced this form.

Today though, transformation is licking at his heels. A transformation that he doesn’t know exists. I stand on the riverbank watching waiting for the predestined hour to strike. He can sense me there, the hairs on his neck standing at attention, like a procession for a queen. I wait for the chiming of the bells to see what fate has brought forth.

A cherub face emerges from the blackberry bush, stained with the juice of innocence. Danger seems on the precipice of this young one’s life, but I know the secret of this story, ‘‘tis not the babe I am here for.

A flash of fur darts past me, one last tribute to his time as an alpha predator, silenced by the touch of an insignificant chubby hand. The sole witness to his body’s demise, the spirit lifts its head and I kneel to open my arms to the next realm. A higher existence envelopes the beast, while I turn to meet my new friend.

Pure love and kindness meet my gaze, and I know the time of fear and hate are numbered. I am amazed that the child can see me. Usually, I am only observed as the spirit passes realms. A minuscule gift of recognition is all I’ve ever been granted, but THIS, this is a glimpse of a tenderness only the other side has to offer.

I nod my head, understanding the quest ahead of us. I am to be the ever-present companion, taking the fallen to their new home. Death and the Harbinger here to bring peace to the world. Remember, the only constant is change, and what more could this cruel world need than a little change?