Before starting my journey as a horror writer, I did work for several video game and comic book companies as a character and concept artist. Currently, I'm an aspiring horror writer hoping to break into the industry through what opportunity I may find. My writing credits are mostly that of published work in the music and comics industry as well as two self-published books so far, "Hellverse: Shadows of the Abyss" and "Hellverse: Bloodlines of Kaos." Whereas most authors these days cater more to modern audiences, my goal is to rekindle the poetic violence and debauchery of classic literature. I prefer a story to build to something instead of giving everything right from the start.

You can read more by Sean right HERE.



Sean Walusko

“Look, all I’m saying is there’s better things we could be doing out here,” Klaxxon said, shifting his large black eyes across the examination table.

Glib, a fellow Centaurian Grey from Alpha Sector One, looked over at his partner with a sheen of annoyance. His hands were soaked in blood from the most recent incision across the belly of their test subject.

“Why are we out here, anyway? Scrab gets to mate with the Floozians on Floozia and we’re out here playing pull apart with a bunch of hairless monkeys,” Klaxxon continued.

“Suction Bulb,” Glib commanded his partner.

Klaxxon sighed as he walked across the operating room to a floating set of pearlescent orbs attached to the ship’s walls through bio-organic tubing. Outside the window lay the dark void of space blocked only by a small blue planet lush with dead forests, polluted oceans and an endangered species killing each other over their preferred pop culture idols.

“I hate this sector,” Klaxxon muttered.

Glib, frustrated with his partner’s attitude, shook his head and broke his stoic silence. “Just bring the bulbs over. I need to collect his organs before they spill out.”

Klaxxon pushed the bulb over to Glib and helped pull the subject’s intestines out and into the ported end of a suction tube. Glib shoved his four fingered hand into the man’s stomach and reached up to feel his lungs. The man twitched for a second as Glib prodded around his insides. A stream of thick viscous goo and blood followed Glib’s hand as he removed it from the subject’s gored body cavity.

“OK, so what was the point of that? His guts are already in a collection orb,” Klaxxon asked.

“There’s no heart,” Glib paused. “Look, we go down, we pick them up, we open them, we pull things out and put things back in. Now can you please shut up, do your job and hand me the skin peeler?” He snapped.

Klaxxon reeled back in shock as he wasn’t used to Glib giving in to his temper.

“I’m sorry,” said Glib.

Klaxxon and Glib shared an awkward silence as the test subject began to shift his eyes from one to the other.

“Hey guys, you know I can hear you, right?” the test subject blurted out.

The alien greys paused their actions to see if they missed something.

“Did you use human frequency?” asked Glib.

“No. Did you?” asked Klaxxon.

“No. What the Hellghack is going on?”

“Oh wells, ya see, I was abducted years ago. I have one of them chips in my brain. Ya’ll must a’ put it there last time ya’s took me. No one believed me, and then it happened again. Oh, by the way, name’s Hank,” said Hank.

“We…put it there?” asked Glib.

“Well, now that ya mention it, it mighta been an illuminati shadow government black ops type operation seein’ as how I knew ya’ll abducted and anal probed people. Ya’ll still do anal probe people, right?”

“Of all the subjects we took, it had to be a conspiracy nut pervert? Really?” Glib belted out.

“But I was right?” Hank laughed.

Klaxxon looked at Hank and shrugged. “I mean, technically.”

Hank looked down at his body and saw that his intestines were removed and placed in a strange floating orb. His legs were amputated at the knees and his penis was held up by a strange disc surrounded by a ring of red lights. He raised an eyebrow at a series of tubes that entered his chest through the gaping hole in his stomach.

“Ya know, in any other situation, this’d be the most terrifying thing a person could go through. Given the circumstances, I am surprisingly calm,” Hank said.

“Yeah, we noticed that. So, you’ve been abducted before?” Klaxxon asked.

“Yup. Ya’ll didn’t notice my heart wasn’t in my chest when ya were diggin’ around?”

“Yeah, I found it odd,” said Glib.

“Well, that’s cause it’s in my butt. My colon, to be exact,” exclaimed Hank.

“Who would do such a…” Glib paused. “Scrab, that asshole. He knew we were coming here before he went to Floozia.”

Klaxxon began cackling hysterically, sending a shockwave of shrieking pulses throughout the ship. Hank winced in pain at the sonic eruption of alien laughter. Klaxxon noticed the discomfort his outburst caused and told Hank, “Sorry.”

“It’s OK,” said Hank. “I couldn’t help but overhear that you seem to be having one o’ them existential type crisises. Ya know, I once worked a job that I had no idea why I done did what I did.”

“Oh, yeah?” Klaxxon asked, while removing Hank’s gallbladder with a few simple snips.

“Yup. I used to be a janitor at a pornographic theater. It made no sense. Ya’ll could watch that at home, so why ya’ll goins out to fuckle yer pudd while in a dark room with a buncha other dudes?”

“I don’t follow,” Glib said, holding Hank’s spleen in his hands.

“Well, ya’lls don’t know why you’s all the way out here takin’ people, dissecting us and puttin’ them probes up our butts, right?”

“We don’t probe people anally but OK, go on.”

“See, I didn’t know why I needed to mop up jizz, but I did it anyway. Ya’ll sure you ain’t gots no butt probes? I won’t say no.”

Glib put Hank’s spleen in a collection tube and shook his head. “That literally didn’t answer anything. At all.”

“Maybe he means that our leaders work in mysterious ways?” asked Klaxxon.

“Shut up, Klaxxon. Just shut up.”

Hank turned his head to see a series of vats holding spare body parts submerged in a thick yellow fluid. His eye caught the gaze of something particularly interesting.

“Hey?” asked Hank.

“What?” Glib asked, annoyed.

“When ya’ll start replacing my missing parts, can I get them titties in that there tube? Always wanted tig ‘ol bitties.”

Klaxxon laughed out loud again as Glib shuffled to a vat that held human breasts.

“Shoulda went to Floozia.”