Ryan (He/Him) is an English/Creative writing Graduate from Missouri State University. He is a photographer, filmmaker, writer, and veteran. His work is available or forthcoming in Writing Lifeworlds: An Anthology of Creative Nonfiction, Flash Fiction Magazine, Night Picnic Journal, and Microfiction Monday Magazine. Ryan is the founder and editor-in-chief of Pyre Magazine. Ryan's first novella, Killing My Flesh Without You, and his Halloween Anthology, The Halloween Party: and Other Tales of All Hallows Eve Terror, are available wherever you get books. He lives in Southwest Missouri with his wife and daughters and their menagerie of domesticated animals.



Ryan Thomas LaBee

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

To perform this ritual, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Raw honey (preferably locally sourced)

  • A glass vessel or equivalent containment

  • Fresh lavender buds

  • Beeswax candles

  • White sage

  • An ex-lover or submissive partner who is willing to participate

    • Should their cooperation be elusive, an alternative lies in their susceptibility, leading them into a realm seemingly too enticing to question.

  • A sharp object

    • A knife, dagger, or one of Mother's stingers will do.

Step 2: Prepare the Space

Prepare a hallowed ground for the impending ritual, selecting a wooded haven or meadow in proximity to the hive and Mother's sanctuary. Purify your chosen space with wisps of white sage smoke, dispelling any lingering energies unwelcome in the presence of the divine. In deliberate placement, form a circle with beeswax candles, their flickering flames poised to illuminate the upcoming ceremony. To further envelop the setting, infuse the air with the strains of tranquil or sensuous melodies. Allow the music to become a silent companion, resonating with the essence of the ritual. As the ceremony unfurls, consider harmonizing with your brood in a melodic invocation, amplifying the sacred atmosphere.

Step 3: Infuse the Honey

Warm the raw honey in a modest saucepan, the dance of flames beneath a Waxing Crescent moon being the preferred method. Witness as the honey transforms into a liquid embrace. Infuse the alchemy with fresh lavender buds, stirring meticulously. Grant the elixir time to steep, allowing the concoction to settle for several hours or, better yet, overnight or several nights. Strain away the remnants of lavender, returning the honey to its vessel.

For those drawn to the arcane, an advanced method is available. Seek the remains of those previously offered to Mother, their souls having found a resting place in her care. Preferably, these "gifts" find repose near sacred groves or sites pulsating with natural magic. As these remnants merge with the earth, a metamorphosis transpires, birthing fertile ground. Merge the soil from these consecrated grounds into the raw nectar before introducing the lavender buds. This intricate process entwines the departed with the nectar, infusing it with a singular and potent charge.

This nuanced variation elevates the recipe beyond mere indulgence, intertwining it with the ancient practice of venerating departed souls. The elixir becomes a conduit, a liquid homage to those who have journeyed into Mother's warm embrace.

Step 4: Call Upon the Full Moon

Assemble with your trusted sisterhood, those women whose bonds are sacred and true. Form a circle, shedding the trappings of the world, exposing your authentic flesh. Embrace the raw vulnerability of your nakedness, savoring the liberation of being laid bare. In each breath, witness vulnerability transforming into an unforeseen strength.

Lift your arms to the heavens, beckoning the radiant light of the full moon. In unison, intone a hymn, a melodic tribute to honor Mother. Welcome her powers into the recesses of your hearts and souls, uniting with the rhythmic pulse that weaves through all existence. Recognize the intricate web of interconnectedness, where the universe orchestrates a harmonious symphony. Bask in the full glory of Mother, knowing that within this celestial dance, everything finds its place.

Step 5: Engage Your Ex-Lover/Submissive Partner

Summon your former lover or submissive partner into this clandestine affair, shielding them from the knowledge of Mother and the impending ritual. However, you may disclose the impending carnal indulgence, a revelation that, particularly with male partners, tends to render them more agreeable. Envelop your sisterhood in a charged space of passion and desire. Allow the prepared honey to cascade over your sisters and the ex-lover’s bare flesh, creating a glistening sheen along their curves. Savor the taste and texture as it lingers on the skin. Encourage your partner to explore with abandon, engaging in a ritual of mutual arousal.

As desire permeates the atmosphere, use sacred ropes made from natural materials to bind your ex-lover or submissive, symbolizing surrender. Uncover a sharp object – a knife, dagger, or one of Mother's stingers (exercise extreme caution when extracting it from Mother's maw, as it can be perilous, but the potency of the outcome justifies this method). This object represents both pain and rebirth. Raise it, recite a prayer dedicated to Mother, seeking Her blessing for the sacrifice. Plunge the weapon into the victim's chest or genital area, witnessing their simultaneous experience of agony and ecstasy, feeling the divine coursing through them.

In the aftermath, present the sacrificial blood to Mother, blending it with raw honey and stirring vigorously. Fashion a sweetened elixir for the hive members and Mother to consume, fortifying their bonds, promoting virility, and fostering reproduction. The ritual sacrifice serves two vital purposes: a tribute to Mother, conveying gratitude for Her abundance, and a contribution of fresh genetic material, fostering the growth of the colony. It encapsulates all that Mother seeks from her progeny – growth and prosperity.

It's a familial gesture.

An act of love.